Product Description
The Ukulele Wheel with supporting resources contain the whole Functional Harmony story.
Starting with the basics of learning our Chords in Key, then Key Transposition, then ALL our Chords and variations, to end with the method to explore and create your own leads, licks and riffs.
The Ukulele Wheel will help you learn from other composers, getting inside their head so we can clearly see how they are arranging their music, all the way through to composing your own melodies and harmonies. There is something for everybody here, Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced musicians.
The Ukulele Wheel condenses years of music theory study, simplifies it and provides immediate access to these advanced techniques.
It is value packed and truly liberating!
The Ukulele Wheel is not only a fantastic companion for the new and experienced musician but also an amazingly easy to use teaching and learning aid. It comes complete with everything you need to begin, continue and accelerate your ukulele playing and understandings. Suitable for all stages of learning – Beginner to Advanced!
Ukulele Wheel
Each chord in the open window displays the finger position from the Nut (think black bar running vertically) with each note making up the chord being color coded so we know which finger is on which note. The notes on the Nut indicate the open strings notes, played as is.
Using the Ukulele Wheel to learn chords does numerous things at the same time. Learning chords In Key brings our ear along for the ride, developing our Aural (hearing) skills as we go. If we start with the Key of C by locating the 1 Root on the C note, learn these 7 chords we have access to 100’s if not 1000’s of songs written in the Key of C.
Once we have a handle on these 7 chords, simply rotate the Ukulele Wheel to the next Key “G” learn 2 new chords and an entirely new Key, giving us access to even more songs.
Rear Instructions
Not every song consists of Major and Minor Chords. The Ukulele Wheel will help you find and play any chord or chord variation.
Transposing Key has never been easier with the Ukulele Wheel too. Simply locate the Ukulele Wheel into the Key of the original song, pay attention to the playing order (the numbers next to the notes) of the songs, then rotate the top cover to your chosen key and play in the same order.
On the front cover of the Ukulele Wheel you will also see the Key Signature window, which will tell you if the chords and either flat or sharp (Flattened or Sharpened Key). Below this you will see a color coded fret map displaying where all the notes are on your Ukulele. The flat and sharp notes have been left out so the notes are easier and faster to find. With just a few minutes of practice with Musical Memory each note will “pop” here’s an example: A is Red, 1 Red Apple, now look at the fret map (above on the front of the Ukulele Wheel) and you will be able to easily and quickly see all the Red (A) Notes.
The Rear of the Ukulele Wheel contains some brief instructions to get you started. The Ukulele Wheel – Owner’s Instruction Manual which has more detailed instructions is available as a FREE Download.
Concise set of tools and resource – (included)

Music is not just a universal language, it’s the language of the universe. There is something amazing that happens when you can speak that language!
The second part of the front cover is an accelerated and advanced memory strategy to learn the Musical Alphabet. It may seem trivial to play a game like A is Red, 1 Appetizing Red Apple, but by using this technique, you will form multiple associations to the note A. That it’s number 1, it’s Red, there is a phonic associated with “A”pple, an image and when you play the A note (all of them) you also associate a sound.
Spending just a few minutes playing this memory game will dramatically improve and accelerate your recall of the Musical Alphabet. Have fun with this, make it bright and vibrant in your minds eye. Give it movement, drama and humor. :0)
Ukulele Scales, Key, Chords and Modes Chart
This chart is truly remarkable, condensing years of Music Theory study into a single and concise page.
This reference is broken into 3 main parts:
- The top section of the Chart (Black) shows the common names used to describe Scales.
- In the blue section are chord families. The section shaded are chord add-ons.
- The third (yellow) section are the Major Scales and their Modes including Pentatonic.
The usage of this chart is described in greater detail in the Ukulele Wheel – Owner’s Instruction Manual. The logic is very straight forward. Once you have a basic understanding of how to use this chart, you will be truly liberated to explore, play and create faster than ever before!
Ukulele Chords – Quick Reference Chart
The Ukulele Chord Blocks – Quick Reference Chart is another outstanding resource. It clearly lays out all the popular chord shapes for the Ukulele. Using the Universal, Scale, Key and Chords Chart (above) you could figure these out for yourself, but sometimes we just want a handy reference to find a chord and keep playing. This chart gives you that!
Organised alphabetically, you will be able to easily find the chord you are looking for.
The chart includes the following chords for Ukulele:
- Suspended 2nd (sus2)
- Minor (m)
- Minor 7th (m7)
- Major (M)
- Dominant 7th (M7)
- Major 7th (Maj7)
- Suspended 4th (sus4)
- Diminished (dim)
Ukulele Map – Notes, TAB and Staff
The Ukulele Fret Map is yet another consolidating resource that bridges the understanding gap between the notes of the Ukulele Fret board, TAB and the Music Staff.
Simple and concise you will be able to find any or all notes on your Ukulele, see clearly how they relate to TAB and the connection to the Music Staff.
By using this resource no musical piece should be out of reach, just a matter of practice, practice and practice!